A Car Can Fly !!! FLYING CAR 🚗 - Recently introduced 2021- Kelvin vision


Car can fly !!

Yes a car can fly and now it's possible with BMW engine.
Flying car - Pic took from Klein vision

Some Automakers, Famous Riders company like UBER, HUNDAI are already informed that working for Flying car.
Now Flying Car introduce by press, Solvakian Company, Klein Vision's introduce Prototype 1 Air car, which successfully tested between inter city travel on 28th June 2021. This is an Historical event of Scientific fiction comes true as APJ Abdul Kalam (president of India) said, " YOU HAVE TO DREAM BEFOR DREAMS COME TRUE ".Now it's happened.

1.AIR CAR working with 160bp of BMW - Engine runs on regular petrol pump and conventional gasoline. 
2. Engine with fixed propeller and ballistic Parachute. 
3. Car can fly upto 2500 meter from ground.
4. Speed is about 300 km/h.
5. Air craft vehicle has 2 seated model and its weight of about 1100kg, it can carry additional load of 200kg.
6. Air car takes 30 minutes between 2 Airports it cover 80 kms.
7. It takes 3 minutes to push of wings inside, After landing Automatically Aircraft transformed into sports car.
8. Prototype -1 got EASA CS- 23 Aircraft certificate and M1 road permit.

Upcoming : PROTOTYPE 2
It's pre production model with 399 HP engine.
It expected speed of 300 km/h and range of 1000kms.
Cruising speed of about 186mph.
Prototype 2 can expect soon.

Professor Stefan Klein:
He is a founder and CEO of Kelvin vision.
He is a world leader in development of User friendly Car said by Dr. Branko .
Stefan Kelvin he is co-founder of Anton Zajac.

Flying cars may be used in furthering years, like to improve technologies in road trafic, travel from remote to cities, as my point of view it can be use as Emergency Ambulance for long travel state to state, villages to cities, for military man who are in emergency 🎖️.. etc.


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